Well, the saying goes, “a healthy body houses a healthy mind”; however, more often than not we tend to be conscious about our health, only after losing it partially or fully, at some point in time.
To start with, let us ponder upon a few points
- How many of us believe in this age old adage?
- Aren’t we all wanting to find ways to be healthier, which consequently lead to happiness?
- So there is a good news for us!!
- Well, the magic wand of health & happiness is in our very own hands.
- Our daily diet has all the answers!!
Welcome friends, so here we set out on this journey in unison, in order to explore this Pandora Box for our much desired magic wand of health & happiness! Since this chosen topic on health has a plethora of information that can fill up hundreds and thousands of pages, we would visit them one by one in our blogs. The aim here is to propagate a better understanding about the needs of our body, towards re-establishing good health by refurbishing our diets, in our own suitable way.
At the mention of good health, the first thing that strikes our mind is a balanced diet, rich in all the requisite nutrients. A nutritious diet when coupled with a good exercise regimen, brings home the solutions to many of our health related issues. These nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibres, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and clean potable water cannot be ruled out.
Let us see how vitamins and minerals form an integral part of a balanced and nutritious diet. To begin with, we would go on to understand their types. It is said that the best meal is the one that has a mix of seven colors of rainbow, on the plate or platter. This goes on to ensure that we get to consume maximum of nutrients.
“Vita” means life and it has been known since 1500 BC that specific nutrients have the capacity to treat diseases as well. Vitamins are organic substances made by plants and animals. We are all aware that vitamins form an integral part of our diet. There are times when the food we consume cannot compensate for the nutrients, which our body requires and that is when one has to turn to various supplements, after consulting a certified physician.
Vitamins are of two types:
- Water Soluble- As the name suggests, the water soluble vitamins get dissolved in water, present in our digestive system and hence these do not get stored in the body but get filtered out by our kidneys in the form of urine. Therefore, in case we happen to consume in excess, it causes no harm.
Example- B-complex, Ascorbic Acid
- Fat Soluble– These vitamins dissolve in fat before they are absorbed in the bloodstream, to carry out their functions. Excess of these vitamins get stored in the liver and hence are not needed every day. If taken in excess without consulting a certified and registered physician, it can go on to cause toxicity and could have adverse effect on health. To figure out the amount to be replenished, a certified and registered physician prescribes the intake of these fat soluble vitamins, only after a few necessary blood tests are conducted.
Example- A,D,E,K
Minerals are inorganic elements that come from the soil and are absorbed by plants and animals. They are essential for growth and health and do not contain carbon. These could be derived from fruits, vegetables and non vegetarian food items. In special cases various supplements could be had, as prescribed by a certified and registered physician.
Minerals are found to be of two types, again depending upon the level required for optimal health:
- Micro minerals- Often referred to as the trace elements, they are present at low levels in the body or required in smaller amounts.
Example- Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Fluoride, Chromium, Molybdenum
Others-Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Cobalt
Note- Iron is considered to be a trace mineral, although the amount needed is somewhat more than for other micro minerals
- Macro Minerals– are needed in larger quantities; however, the amount needed in the body is not an indication of their importance.
Example- Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Sulfur
I will be sharing some interesting stories to unfold and unravel more details, on the benefits & sources of these nutrients; the recommended doses and the ill effects in case of deficiencies, in our upcoming blogs.