Pablo has rightly said, “Always Remember to take your Vitamins: Take your Vitamin A for Action, Vitamin B for Belief, Vitamin C for Confidence, Vitamin D for Discipline, Vitamin E for Enthusiasm!!”
The cool and crisp winter air is gradually giving way to the bright and blazing sun and we all know, how this transition fetches a variety of skin woes! Not only the adults, but even the teenagers go through a trying time figuring out the best treatment. For the latter when all of a sudden, their flawless skin of the pre-teens takes a turn for the inexplicable issues, it’s time to look for the best solutions, close at hand.
What all is on my plate, does matter!!
Give me a hand, to open up the Pandora Box and let us measure & weigh the benefits of “ABCDEK” & “P”. Also, we have to ensure that we should not avoid “W”, which in this blog stands for the uncontaminated potable water!!
Deciphering “ABCDEK” & “P”
Let us decipher and identify “ABCDEK” & “P”, spread out on our plates and get to know, how to improve the quality of our skin, in general. Here we are talking about replenishing these vitamins, internally rather than the external applications, which will be tackled in the upcoming blogs on skin care. (To know the types of vitamins, please refer my blog- The Health & Happiness Mantras)
Getting sufficient vitamins and minerals (blog to follow), from our diet will not only benefit our overall health, but will also take care of our skin. Taking a closer look would unfold the easily accessible solutions.
It is a known fact that if we get into the habit of consuming more of natural, unprocessed food, we can say a permanent goodbye to the products that leave behind the residual of side reactions, cancer being the most dreaded.
As discussed in one of my earlier blogs, our skin cannot filter the toxins present in these cosmetics. The harmful preservatives and artificial colorants, all get seeped directly into our circulatory system; hence eating right is the answer to a healthy and supple skin.