They say that “beauty is only skin deep”; however, wouldn’t you agree that all of us wish to lay our hands on any one magical product, which would endow us with the much desired 1000 watts of radiance?!
Today we will take a closer look at Skin- The Largest Organ:
Well, even the best brand of clothing would fail to match the quality of the largest organ of human body, our “Skin”, which has its own rejuvenating and healing powers and protects our body against blows, cuts, rain, wind, radiations, powerful sunlight, and germs.
Well, here goes our story of the day!
One fine morning, Isha who was in her mid-forties gazed lazily at her own reflection, just to note that all her skin related woes had vanished into the thin air. The radiant glow defied the fact that her shelf housed just one ordinary looking bottle, in the name of skin care product. The thought of minimalist skin care in the current times, instantly transferred her to the recent past, reminding her of how she had managed to sail across all the challenges.
Having spent her growing years in different parts of the country, during her father’s transferable job, relocating to settle down in Bangalore had its own uncalled for consequences. The sudden change from the extreme humid climate to the crisp and dry air of Bangalore caused acute dryness of skin, making a visit to the dermatologist inevitable. The doctor prescribed two lotions, which gave her the much needed respite; however, soon she started developing spots on her flawless complexion, followed by a few other symptoms.
Here, Isha’s younger sister saved her from plunging furthermore, into the massive whirlpool of side effects, germinating from these two lotions. Although a software engineer, her sister had been researching on the science of food and ill effects of chemicals on general health. Upon the discovery of the liver damaging chemicals, the two lotions were struck off immediately. The requisite alterations in her food habits and lifestyle, subsequently brought about a great improvement in her overall well being.
As the cool morning breeze tossed and swirled her curly hair, with what felt like a light kiss on her broad forehead, she got snapped back into the present.
It surely felt blissful, to be here and now!
Claudia Aguirre neuroscientist, skin care expert says:
- According to recent research, humans shed their epidermis at the rate of 0.001 – 0.003 ounces of skin flakes every hour.
- That is roughly 0.024 – 0.072 ounces per day and 9-27oz/year, or 0.55 – 1.6 pounds per year.
- According to the WHO, 70 years was the average life expectancy at birth of the global population in 2012.
- So 70 times 1.6 is 112 pounds of skin cells shed over a long lifetime.
A closer look at few of the Basic Essentials:
The mantra to own a good quality skin lies in the fact that our “Internal Health” is directly proportional to the “External Health of our Skin”.
Internal Hydration- It plays an important role in imparting the supple look
- Our body is 50% – 70% water, which varies with gender and age.
- Babies have the best skin as the percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age.
- Hence, it is mandate to remain hydrated at all times.
A simple test to check the hydration level in our body:
- Pinch the skin of the upper side of your hand. If it rolls back instantly then your skin is adequately hydrated; however, if it retains the pinched shape for a longer period of time, then your skin needs hydration.
- Instead of drinking one full glass at a time sip water as often as possible, as and when you are thirsty.
- Starting your day with a warm glass of water is beneficial for the skin as it helps to flush out the toxins.
- A few drops of lime juice adds to the benefit.
A Word Of Caution!!
Drinking excess water leads to Water Intoxication (Refer- Future blogs).
External Hydration & Care- Moisturizing & Protection:
- Normal to Dry Skin– Diluted(Water/Rose water) fruit glycerin
- Oily Skin– Diluted(Water/Rose water) fruit glycerin with a few drops of lime or lemon juice
- Sun Screen– Aloe Vera gel suits all skin types
Oxygen for Skin Health:
- A good ventilation at your workplace and home, adds to your requisite amount of oxygen
- Visiting a nearby park in the day time would add to the oxygen level in your body
Exercise is important:
- Any exercise that promotes healthy circulation also helps keep your skin healthy and vibrant,” says dermatologist Ellen Marmur, MD, author of Simple Skin Beauty.
Replenishing the Vitamins & Minerals:
The best part when it comes to our health is that since human body creates new cells every three hours, the chances of gaining back or maintaining good health are higher, if adhered to the benefiting factors, suiting one’s Body Type.
A Good Quality Sleep:
- During sleep our body gets healed
- Getting enough sleep increases immunity, which helps keep skin woes at bay.
- Getting enough sleep slows down the aging process
- Not getting enough sleep contributes to weight gain
Allergens that can harm our skin:
- Each one of us have our own set of allergens namely sugar/pollen/molds/dust/gluten/ground nuts/eggs/eggplant/ dairy products/ smokes of varied kinds
- Once identified, we need to avoid them like plague
- Exposure to chemicals- Cosmetics, Toiletries, Make up, Household cleaners & detergents, environmental pollution
Effects of Hormones- It varies with Age; however, it is reversible and curable:
- Teens: The Oily Years/Acne
- 20s to Mid-30s: The Best of Time
- Premenstrual Breakouts
- Late 30s and 40s: Getting Drier
- Pregnancy
- 50s and Up: Menopause Realities
Other products & factors that accelerate skin aging:
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Excessive tea and coffee
- Junk food & excess of sugary food
- Stress & Tension
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- Unsuitable diet
A few words of Caution- Skin Has No Filters!!
- The chemicals directly get seeped into the blood vessels through our skin, when we use the commercial skin care products.
- Whereas, any toxin present in our food gets filtered by our liver.
- Therefore, it is said that anything that we cannot eat is not suited for our skin either.
The Best Alternatives for Skin Health:
- Once we stop feeding our body with chemicals directly through our skin, the self-healing power of this amazing machinery takes care of itself on its own.
- We could aid the healing process by adhering to the best suited (body type/ nutrition type) products and produces that are fresh and in their natural forms.
The realization of wishing to be cured of any health & wellness and beauty related issue, has its answer in the determination to strengthen the inner voice, first. More so because unless the inner health is in a good condition, the outer radiance will vanish at the very first splash of water, on even the best brand of makeup.