Korean beauty trends are all the rage this year. One of the most popular Korean beauty trends is the ‘ice’ trend. Believe it or not, ice can be used for more than just keeping your beverage cool. It can be used to enhance your beauty as well. Ice has been used by Koreans for ages, to keep their skin looking flawless.
It’s cheap, it’s simple and it’s effective. Check out these ‘ice’ cool beauty tips from the exotic land of Korea.
Hair Secrets

Many stylists recommend rubbing a fresh ice cube up and down the hair shaft to create shine. The ice cube chills the hair, thus sealing the cuticle and creating a gleaming effect. Most celebrity stylists swear by this trick!
So the next time you have a super special date to go on and you just have to look your glamorous best, rub some ice along the shafts of your hair for instant shine. This is great alternative for girls with oily hair who can’t stand the greasy feeling of serum.
Bathing Secrets

Wake up your skin, boost your metabolism and force the toxins and oils out of your skin. Experts say that cold water has its health benefits. So next time you want to take a hot steaming shower, try a cool water shower instead. Just don’t make it ice cold! Brrr!
We did some more digging and found that Koreans also use tea for healthy glowing skin. Why not combine the benefits of ice and tea? That’s right, we are talking ice tea baths.
Fill a bathtub with cool water and pour in a cup or two of iced tea. Or better yet, drop in some tea bags. Indulge in the aroma while your skin soaks in the nutrients from the tea. This is a great way to unwind after a long hard day at work.
Eye Secrets
Does your job involve several hours in front of a computer screen Chances are that you strain your eyes and they end up looking tired most of the time.
A common remedy for tired eyes, is to soak some cotton pads in ice water and place them on your eyelids for at least 20 minutes.
This is a great pick me up for those days when you have not gotten enough sleep. No amount of makeup can hide tiredness.
Super models do it all the time. This is why you never see them with droopy, tired eyes.
Eyebrow Secrets: Those eyebrows need to be tamed often. Tweezing can be so painful though. Next time grab an ice cube and rub it over your eyebrow before you start tweezing. This will make
your skin numb and reduce the pain. It also takes care of the redness.
Perhaps next time you go to the beauty salon for threading, you could request the attendant who is doing your eyebrows to keep some ice cubes handy.
Nail Secrets

You spend so much time trying to replicate that beautiful nail art you saw in an Instagram photo. After hours of trying, you finally get it right. Now comes the really tough part; waiting for your nails to dry!
Nail art is so much fun! However, waiting for your masterpiece to dry is not as fun. Want to speed up the process?
Ditch your hairdryer, fan and all the other crazy apparatus or techniques that you have been using to dry your nails. Instead, do what the experts do.
Nail art experts suggest that you dunk your hands in a bowl of ice-cold water to dry the nail polish faster. The cold water freeze-dries polish, sealing and hardening it quickly.
Facial Secrets
Most Korean beauty tips focus on facial beauty. Ice is no exception. Here are our top three uses for ice to beautify your face.
-Massaging your face stimulates blood circulation and relaxes the muscles in your face. Try massaging your face with some ice. This will refresh your skin and rejuvenate you. Just 20 minutes of rubbing an ice cube on your face will make a huge difference. This is handy for days when you are late for work, but you need to look your absolute best.
-Ice is great at reducing the appearance of pimples. So if you just woke up to a nasty pimple on your pretty face, don’t worry. Just pop out an ice cube and zap it away. The ice will help your pimple to subdue and will prevent redness. It is non-greasy so it will not make your pimples worse unlike a topical cream. This is a better option than squeezing or popping your pimple which is unhygienic and might cause infections. Free yourself from the tyranny of pimples.
-For glowing skin, add the juice of cucumbers and a squeeze of lemon along with a drizzle of honey to the water. Then freeze it to make an ice cube scrub. The cucumber will moisturize and exfoliate your skin naturally. The honey makes your skin glow. The lemon removes discoloration and dark spots from your skin. The ice naturally tightens and firms your skin.
Four benefits in one, awesome! You could even use this natural scrub in place of your store bought one. It is perfect for sensitive skin.
Body Secrets
This one is for you people who love to be outdoors and soak in the sun, but get badly sun burnt afterwards. Freeze some aloe vera juice to get a soothing cure. The aloe vera will work to heal your sunburn, while the ice cube itself provides a cooling effect.
If you are the kind of person who gets tanned easily after sun exposure, we recommend adding lemon juice to the aloe vera juice and then freezing them to make ice cubes. The lemon will help to lighten your skin and get rid of the tan faster.
The humble ice cube has you covered from head to toe for all your beauty needs. Who would have thought that such a common household item could have so many benefits? Always keep an ice tray ready for your quick beauty fix.